About Us
Board of Directors
Beverly Hubbard – Chair
Anita Krisik – Board Member
Saul Villagomez – Board Member
Sandi Stein – Board Member
Jessica Rose – Board Member

Medical Personnel
Cheryl Wright, M.D. – Medical Director
Virgie Freitas, R.N., – Nursing Services Manager
Carrie Beauchamp, RN – Nurse
Kimberly Regnier, RDMS – Sonographer
Anita Krisik – Executive Director
Nancy Napier – Client Services Manager
Carole Orlen, R.N.- Nursing Manager
Gail Edwards – Office Manager and Client Advertising
Kimberly Regnier, RDMS – Sonographer
Carrie Beauchamp, RN – Receptionist
Our History
RPCC opened its doors in October 1989 as a result of prayer by Richard Raher and Leslie Garrison. Free pregnancy tests, options education, nutrition education, childbirth classes, parenting classes, maternity and baby clothes, as well as baby equipment were offered from that first office of 400 sq feet.
In 1994 the office was moved to its present location that was zoned for medical services. A year later, remodeling was completed and everything was in place to add medical services, so a clinic application was filed and granted in Feb. 1996.
Pregnant women were offered a pregnancy verification medical appointment, which included prenatal vitamins, education about nutrition and warning signs during pregnancy, and a physical exam that included listening for the baby’s heartbeat with a Doppler.
At the beginning of 2003 a fundraising campaign was held and raised funds to purchase an ultrasound machine, hire and train personnel to operate the ultrasound. At the end of September 2003, all the training was completed and the first client “at-risk for abortion” was given a limited ob ultrasound in our office. In 2004, 67 ultrasounds were given to women at risk for abortion.
RPCC provided services to mothers and fathers for over 1567 visits in 2023. Services include medical support, as well as emotional and spiritual.

Mission Statement
RPCC is a Christian ministry that exists to make the choice of life possible for those in our community when challenged with a pregnancy by educating, encouraging and equipping them so that they may make good choices for themselves and their families.
Any pregnancy that is unplanned, unexpected, and or unwanted may be considered a crisis pregnancy. Those experiencing a crisis pregnancy have four alternatives to consider: abortion, adoption, foster care, or parenting. RPCC desires to help the pregnant woman who is in a state of crisis to understand and work through these alternatives. By doing this, RPCC intends to enable her to make an informed decision concerning the outcome of her pregnancy. RPCC also seeks to provide counsel for any other person that is in crisis because of this pregnancy.
For those who decide to carry the baby to term, the center provides education, limited medical services, emotional support, referrals to other agencies and material aid to meet the mental, physical, medical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Guiding Principles
RPCC openly acknowledges to the client and the community that it places value upon all human life, from conception onward. Abortion ends human life prematurely and unnaturally. Therefore, abortion is an unacceptable alternative.
Each woman is responsible for her own decision, and RPCC is responsible for providing her with accurate information about the alternative ways of coping with a crisis pregnancy.
RPCC never advises, provides, or refers for abortion or abortifacients, such as some forms of contraceptives.
RPCC believes that abstinence is the most effective and God-honoring form of birth control. The Center offers education on abstinence to unmarried women.
RPCC’s assistance is completely confidential and provided free of charge.
Compassionate support is provided for the woman who needs healing from a previous abortion.
RPCC recognizes the value of adoption as an alternative to abortion, but is not biased toward adoption when compared to the other life-saving alternatives. RPCC is not an adoption agency, but relates to adoption agencies in the same manner as to other helpful referral sources. RPCC neither initiates, nor facilitates independent adoptions.
In presenting the love of Christ through its ministry, RPCC never discriminates because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, or marital status.
Statement of Faith
We believe the whole Bible to be the inspired, inerrant Word of God, authoritative for daily life, without error in the original writings.
We believe there is one God, infinite, immutable, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Governor of all things.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return. In Jesus Christ the love, mercy, and grace of God are made known to us and all people. From the overflowing abundance of God’s love we find our call to ministry. We proclaim together, “Jesus lived, died and rose again. Jesus is Lord.” We desire Him to be central in our individual and corporate lives.

We believe the Holy Spirit is a person. He is God and possesses all the divine attributes. He indwells all Believers, imparts gifts as He wills, and fills them in response to confession of sin and yieldedness.
We believe all men are sinners by nature and by practice, being alienated from God; man is unable to remedy his lost condition in and of himself. We seek to follow Jesus in His identification with all sinners: the poor, the afflicted, the oppressed, the marginalized; in His special concern for children; in His respect for the dignity bestowed by God on women equally with men; in His challenge to unjust attitudes and systems; in His call to share resources with each other; in His love for all people without discrimination or conditions; in His offer of new life through faith in Him.
We believe salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Those who have so trusted Christ are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and enabled to live a Godly life through submission to Him. From Him we derive our holistic understanding of the Gospel of the kingdom of God, which forms the basis of our response to human need.
We believe God is the author and creator of all life, and we are created in His likeness and image. As such, we believe and affirm all life has inherent value, worth, and dignity because it is created by God. On the basis of this inherent value, we seek to protect and care for life in all stages of God’s creation, from conception to natural death.
We also affirm the inherent dignity and humanity of all women who come to us in need, and recognize their vulnerability and often the difficult circumstances in which they have been placed. Accordingly, our love of God and service to our Lord Jesus Christ requires we love and serve those in need, which extends not only to providing services through birth, but also a holistic approach that continues to care for and minister to the bodily and spiritual needs of mother, child, and family after birth.
We believe all human life is sacred and created by God in His image. Human life is of inestimable worth in all its dimensions, including pre-born babies, the aged, the physically or mentally challenged, and every other stage or condition from conception through natural death. We are therefore called to defend, protect, and value all human life (Ps. 139). We believe and affirm life begins at conception, at which time the full genetic blueprint for life is in place. Accordingly, we believe our expression of love and service to God requires we work to protect and honor life in all stages of creation. As well, we believe and affirm God’s calling upon us commands we make special efforts to protect the most vulnerable among us. As such, we view life from conception through birth to be uniquely vulnerable, and therefore work to protect and defend life in these early stages.
We believe God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as either male or female, and these two distinct, complementary sexes together reflect the image and nature of God. Accordingly, our communication with clients and all other persons reflects the reality of God’s created order—put simply, we use male pronouns to refer to those persons who were created biologically male, and female pronouns to refer to those persons who were created biologically female. Finally, we believe God created marriage to be exclusively the union of one man and one woman, and intimate sexual activity is to occur exclusively within that union. (1 Cor. 6-18)